


The EARTH EX Team is developing a new way to experience EARTH EX using a live multi-sector exercise with audience involvement. Watch subject matter experts from different sectors discuss their concerns and approaches to dealing with a large-scale scenario that impacts them all and how each has cross-sector concerns or an ability to help another sector solve their issues.

We welcome you to visit our events page and watch former events recordings. 

2025 Organization-Focused Exercises:

In parallel with the EARTH EX upgrade, we are now hosting a series of online Black Sky Exercises based on previous EARTH EX exercises. These are available and FREE to play at any time, focusing on scenarios that include a wide range of disasters and risks elevating concerns worldwide, including the following scenarios. Click the links to register and play:

  • Cyber
  • EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)
  • Megafires
  • Extreme Flooding
  • We also offer Custom-designed or personalized facilitation of Black Sky exercises (in your facility or online).

Important Note: These exercises all meet the requirements of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

To learn more or arrange for a personalized exercise and our 2025 exercises, reach out to us. 

Watch recordings


What to Expect

Watch the latest webinars and be a part of an engaging event with worldwide experts.

Who Should Participate in EARTH EX?

Everyone – there is an Individual and Family Functional Area that is perfect for everyone to participate. 

New features in this year’s exercise

Join our next event on May 16, 11 EST, and be a part of an interactive webinar with video injections and open discussions with participants.


Themes include developing situational awareness, recognizing the implications of a terrorist attack on the grid and the cascading consequences that may occur.

EARTH EX Evaluation

EARTH EX black Sky exercises are self-assessed, self-evaluated exercise opportunities. Black Sky exercises are currently free to play. 

Each person or organization will evaluate their level of play and readiness.

EARTH EX Preparation

EARTH EX offers optional pre-play training workshops to maximize exercise productivity.

Grants and Certificates

EARTH EX black sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines and are perfect for meeting EMPG exercise requirements. Everyone that completes the exercise and the survey will receive a certificate of completion. EARTH EX Black Sky exercises are currently free to play: 



Crisis readiness
for our interconnected world

Over 20,000 participants engaged in EARTH EX, many playing multiple times and multiple lanes.


Playing EARTH EX

EARTH EX is a highly adaptable and flexible exercise built to support virtual play.

Uniquely configured, EARTH EX is excellent as an individual exercise. EARTH EX can also drive group play, such as a section or team.

With local facilitation, it can drive significant organizational elements like an emergency operations center or corporate boardroom discussion.

EARTH EX provides all of the information needed to support these environments, including User and Facilitator Guides.

Register for our resilience exercises to enjoy the EARTH EX experience.


EARTH EX four exercises offer “Come As You Are”, no preparation exercise play, participants are encouraged to take advantage of these pre-play optional training workshops.

EARTH EX Functional Areas

The EARTH EX design supports cross-sector awareness using customized injects to advance play. Participants can sign up and play one or more of the exercise areas listed below.

  • Individuals and Families
  • Leaders and Communities
  • Government Functions
  • Medical and Health Care Functions
  • Critical Infrastructure – Utility Functions
  • Private Sector and Financial Functions
  • Communications and IT Operations

Organization-Focused Exercises

In parallel with the EARTH EX® upgrade, we are now hosting a series of online Black Sky Exercises based on previous EARTH EX exercises. These are available FREE to play at any time, focusing on scenarios that include a wide range of the disasters and risks elevating concerns, worldwide, including: Cyber, EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), Megafires, Extreme Flooding and Custom-designed or personalized facilitation Black Sky exercises (in your facility or online).

All exercises are focused on the following objectives to drive learning.

  • Improving planning for actions in response to a catastrophic event
  • Refining and developing restoration priorities and support concepts
  • Educating about the tools and capabilities required
  • Developing internal and external future training and support requirements


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